Monday, February 28, 2011

One Month To Opening!

In 32 days, Sunny will be opening the door to a world of colors, textures and fun! At Sunny Side Yarns on Depot, you'll find truly affordable knitting and crocheting supplies in hard to find sizes, unusual fibers from around the world to spark your creativity, informative classes to bump your skills to the next level, and a comfortable place for new friends to gather and share.

We're hard at work getting the physical space ready. We are slowly putting together a class schedule for all levels of expertise. We're expanding our internet presence and ordering inventory. We're busy signing up consigners of finished goods. We're planning our charity projects and informational presentations.

Check back soon to gauge our progress, and put us on your calendar for April 1st. Sunny can't wait to welcome you all! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sunny was completely blown away by the attendance at the Monday night meeting! In the Sunny Side Girls' wildest dreams, we thought that m-a-y-b-e 10 or 12 people would show up. We set up two large tables and 20 chairs and thought we were covered.

Then the crowds came pouring in! We kept setting up more tables and more chairs, until we had 34 yarn enthusiasts gathered together (including 2 men and 1 young boy), wanting to hear what we had planned!

Sunny is thrilled that 23 people signed up for the Yarn Club on the spot, and more memberships have been coming in ever since. We want to be a real Yarn Community, where friendships are formed and nurtured, where skills are shared and improved, where our handiwork helps worthy causes, and where our handmade goods can be offered for sale. Your participation makes it all possible--and more fun!

If you have friends who want to join in, just have them email Sunny at . There's even a convenient way to take advantage of our Early Bird Special -- Your 2011 membership is only $15 until March 15, and you can even securely pay online by credit card or e-check via the Paypal "Buy Now" Button, on the Sunny Side Yarn Community page.

Wow. It's really happening! Thanks to all of YOU!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Once the shop opens on April first, you can get in touch with Sunny by just thinking YARN!

It's official!

423-272-YARN (9276)

We're getting ready for business in a big way this week--painting, ordering, decorating and of course, holding our big membership meeting tonight.

Be part of the fun--Sunny's looking forward to welcoming every one of you into the Yarn Community!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Yarn Community

So what is this "Yarn Community" Sunny keeps talking about?

First, we envision a peaceful place where yarn crafters and enthusiasts can gather to learn and to share; to knit, crochet, maybe even spin! A place where books can be perused, problems can be solved (and Sunny's not just talking about yarn project problems!), and friendships can be formed and nurtured.

The Yarn Community will sponsor Charity Knitting drives (where we will supply the yarn and donate your finished projects to local charities), and periodically bring in speakers to present ideas of interest to knitters and crocheters.

The Sunny Side Yarn Community will also be a "club," where members can get 10% off EVERY purchase from the retail shop, all year long--supplies, tools, yarn, patterns, books & instructional classes--AND, every month, there will be a special 50% discount item that every yarner needs!

Membership in the Yarn Community brings plenty of benefits, all for only $2.50 per month -- and as a special "Welcome to the Community" kick-off, if you sign up before March 15th, this year's membership dues are just $15. WOW!

You can join the Sunny Side Yarn Community at the meeting on February 21st, or mail in your membership form by the March 15 deadline to get the special rate. Sunny can't wait to welcome you to the Yarn Community!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Yummy Yarns!

The Cascade Yarns rep came to visit us on Wednesday, and Sunny's little lamby brain is spinning! So many lovely colors, textures, weights and twists to choose from! Talk about "Too Many Choices..."

We are working on putting together all of our favorites to share with our customers on opening day (April 1st, no fooling). Sunny knows that you are going to love the look and feel of all these beautiful yarns as much as we do.

Don't forget to sign up for the Sunny Side Yarn Community membership drive meeting on February 21st--we'll be giving away all sorts of great
DOOR PRIZES to attendees, and you don't want to miss that!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Forget to Fill Out the Poll!

I just took a look at some of the DOOR PRIZES the Sunny Side Girls have put together for the Membership Meeting on February 21st. It is going to be so much fun to give these wonderful presents away!

And wait until you hear about all the benefits and discounts you get when you sign up for the SUNNY SIDE YARN Community! You won't believe how you can save all year long when SUNNY SIDE YARNS on Depot opens April 1st.

Get all the details at the meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, February 21, 2011 at the Holston Electric Cooperative Meeting Room in Rogersville.

We'd love to know how many are coming, so please fill out the "poll" on the right sidebar. Sunny can't wait to meet you all!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Getting Ready!

I can't wait to get stocked for the retail shop's opening on April 1st! I can already picture in my mind a whole store full of fabulous yarns, cool tools, beautiful buttons and nifty notions!

There are only two things standing in the way: Tennessee weather and the Chinese New Year.

We're expecting bad weather again this week, which will prevent us from meeting with the rep of one of our core yarn suppliers. I don't know about you, but Sunny has had quite enough of Winter Weather, thank you very much.

I never realized what a big deal the Chinese New Year is until I visited Singapore last year. It isn't just parades with giant paper animals, and pretty flowers everywhere. EVERYTHING comes to a grinding halt for a week while the "Spring Festival" is on. This is a family time for the Chinese--shops and factories close, everyone goes home for a week of feasting and visiting, very much like our Christmas holiday celebrations.

So, Sunny will have to be patient for the moment. We'll work on other projects, like getting ready for the big Membership Drive Kick-off Meeting on February 21st!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Trying extremely hard to set up a pleasing blog - must test first....testing, testing...can you hear me?